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Marcus Morris
May 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Enhance Your Photoshop Skills with 1000+ Free Brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Adobe Photoshop CS4 is a powerful and versatile software that can help you create stunning graphics and designs. But did you know that you can also customize and expand your Photoshop tools with brushes? Brushes are presets that can help you apply different effects and textures to your images, such as paint strokes, splatters, smoke, fire, water, grass, clouds, and more. Brushes can save you time and effort, and also give you more creative possibilities. Adobe Photoshop CS4 - 1000+ Brushes Only [RH] Download File: In this article, we will show you how to download and install 1000+ free brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 from a reliable source. We will also explain some of the benefits and features of these brushes, and how to use them in your Photoshop projects. How to Download and Install 1000+ Free Brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Downloading and installing 1000+ free brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 is easy and fast. Here are the steps you need to follow: Go to the Google Drive link where you can find the Ultimate 1000 Photoshop Brushes Collection 1.rar file. This is a compressed file that contains 1000+ brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 in .abr format. Download the file to your computer by clicking on the download icon at the top right corner of the page. You may need to sign in to your Google account to access the file. Extract the file using a software like WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder with 1000+ .abr files inside. Open Adobe Photoshop CS4 and go to Edit > Presets > Preset Manager. Choose Brushes from the Preset Type drop-down menu. Click on the Load button and browse to the folder where you extracted the .abr files. Select one or more files that you want to load and click on Open. You can also load multiple files at once by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting them. Click on Done to close the Preset Manager. You can now access your new brushes from the Brush Tool (B) or the Brush Preset Picker at the top left corner of the screen. Benefits and Features of 1000+ Free Brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Using 1000+ free brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 can offer you many benefits and features for your Photoshop projects. Some of them are: You can create realistic and artistic effects and textures with ease, such as paint strokes, splatters, smoke, fire, water, grass, clouds, and more. You can save time and effort by using presets instead of creating your own brushes from scratch. You can expand your creative possibilities by experimenting with different brush settings and combinations. You can customize your brushes by adjusting their size, shape, angle, opacity, flow, spacing, scattering, color dynamics, transfer, dual brush, texture, smoothing, protect texture, wet edges, airbrush mode, build-up mode, pen pressure sensitivity, pen tilt sensitivity, stylus wheel sensitivity, rotation sensitivity. You can organize your brushes by creating new sets or folders in the Preset Manager. You can also rename or delete your brushes as needed. How to Use 1000+ Free Brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Using 1000+ free brushes for Adobe Photoshop CS4 is fun and easy. Here are some tips on how to use them in your Photoshop projects: Select the Brush Tool (B) or press B on your keyboard. You can also use other tools that use brushes, such as the Pencil Tool (N), the Eraser Tool (E), the Clone Stamp Tool (S), the Healing Brush Tool (J), the Dodge Tool (O), the Burn Tool (O), the Sponge Tool (O), the Smudge Tool (R), the Blur Tool (R), the Sharpen Tool (R), etc. Select a brush from the Brush Preset Picker at the top left corner of the screen. You can also right-click on your canvas to open a pop-up menu e3ff22d237
Marcus Morris
May 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
App Para Ver Mensajes Eliminados De Whatsapp ENLACE >>> Como buscar una palabra en un pdf Los documentos PDF son muy útiles para compartir informaciÃn de forma segura y compatible con diferentes dispositivos. Sin embargo, a veces puede ser difÃcil encontrar una palabra o frase especÃfica en un documento PDF, sobre todo si es muy largo o complejo. Afortunadamente, existen varias formas de buscar una palabra en un pdf, dependiendo del programa o navegador que utilices para abrirlo. En este artÃculo te explicamos tres mÃtodos sencillos y efectivos para hacerlo. MÃtodo 1: Adobe Reader DC Adobe Reader DC es la aplicaciÃn gratuita de Adobe para visualizar y editar archivos PDF. Puedes descargarla desde e instalarla en tu computadora. Para buscar una palabra en un pdf con Adobe Reader DC, sigue estos pasos: Abre el documento PDF en Adobe Reader DC. Haz clic en Archivo y luego en Abrir. Selecciona el archivo PDF que quieres buscar y haz clic en Abrir. Haz clic en Editar en la barra de menú. Haz clic en Buscar. Introduce la palabra o frase que quieres buscar en el cuadro de diÃlogo de \"Buscar\". Haz clic en Siguiente. La siguiente ubicaciÃn de la palabra o frase que buscas aparecerà resaltada en el documento. Haz clic en Siguiente o AtrÃs para buscar todas las ubicaciones donde se encuentre la palabra o frase en el documento. MÃtodo 2: Navegador Google Chrome Google Chrome es un navegador web muy popular que tambiÃn te permite abrir y buscar archivos PDF. Puedes usar Chrome para buscar una palabra en un pdf desde Internet o desde tu computadora. Para hacerlo, sigue estos pasos: Abre el documento PDF en el navegador Chrome. Si el archivo està en Internet, solo tienes que hacer clic en el enlace o escribir la direcciÃn web donde se encuentra. Si el archivo està en tu computadora, haz clic derecho sobre Ãl, luego en Abrir con y selecciona Google Chrome. Haz clic en el icono de tres puntos verticales que se encuentra en la esquina superior derecha del navegador. Haz clic en Buscar. TambiÃn puedes presionar Ctrl+F (Windows) o Cmd+F (Mac) para activar la funciÃn de búsqueda. Introduce la palabra o frase que quieres buscar. Chrome resaltarà los resultados que aparezcan en el documento mientras vayas escribiendo. Las barras amarillas en la barra de navegaciÃn derecha indicarÃn la ubicaciÃn de los resultados a lo largo de la pÃgina. Haz clic en las flechas hacia arriba o hacia abajo para ir al resultado siguiente o anterior de la pÃgina. MÃtodo 3: Vista previa en Mac Vista previa es la aplicaciÃn nativa de Apple para visualizar imÃgenes y archivos PDF. Se incluye automÃticamente en la mayorÃa de versiones de Mac OS. Para buscar una palabra en un pdf con Vista previa, sigue estos pasos: Abre el documento PDF en la aplicaciÃn \"Vista previa\". Hazlo haciendo doble clic sobre el icono azul de \"Vista previa\" que parece solapar capturas de pantalla, luego selecciona Archivo en la barra de menú y Abrir en el menú desplegable. Selecciona el archivo PDF que quieres buscar y haz clic en Abrir. Haz clic en Editar en la barra de menú. Haz clic en Buscar. Introduce la palabra o frase que quieres buscar en el campo de \"Buscar\". Se encuentra en la esquina superior derecha de la ventana. Haz clic en Siguiente. Todas las ubicaciones de la palabra o frase que buscas aparecerÃn resalt 51271b25bf
Marcus Morris
May 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Conversor Audio A Mp3 Descargar ---> Cómo convertir videos de YouTube a MP3 en Android ¿Te gustaría descargar y escuchar tus canciones favoritas de YouTube en tu dispositivo Android? Entonces necesitas un convertidor de YouTube a MP3 para Android que te permita guardar el audio de los videos en formato MP3. Hay muchas aplicaciones y sitios web que ofrecen este servicio, pero no todos son seguros, rápidos y fáciles de usar. En este artículo, te presentamos los 8 mejores convertidores de YouTube a MP3 para Android en 2023, con sus características, ventajas y desventajas. 1. EaseUS Video Downloader [HOT] El primer convertidor de YouTube a MP3 para Android que te recomendamos es EaseUS Video Downloader, una herramienta profesional y potente que te permite descargar videos y audios de más de 1000 sitios web, incluyendo YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo y muchos más. Con EaseUS Video Downloader, puedes convertir videos de YouTube a MP3 en Android con solo unos pocos pasos: Descarga e instala EaseUS Video Downloader en tu PC. Copia el enlace del video de YouTube que quieres convertir y pégalo en la barra de búsqueda de EaseUS Video Downloader. Pulsa el botón "Analizar" y espera a que se generen las opciones de descarga. Elige el formato MP3 y la calidad que prefieras y haz clic en "Descargar". Espera a que se complete la descarga y luego transfiere el archivo MP3 a tu dispositivo Android. Características: Es rápido, seguro y fácil de usar. Soporta más de 1000 sitios web de video y audio. Permite descargar videos en diferentes resoluciones, desde 720p hasta 8K. Cuenta con un recortador de video integrado para editar los videos antes de descargarlos. Ofrece un servicio de atención al cliente 24/7. 2. MP3 Downloader, YouTube Player Otro convertidor de YouTube a MP3 para Android que puedes probar es MP3 Downloader, YouTube Player, una aplicación gratuita que te permite buscar, reproducir y descargar videos y audios de YouTube directamente en tu teléfono o tableta Android. Con esta aplicación, puedes convertir videos de YouTube a MP3 en Android de la siguiente manera: Descarga e instala MP3 Downloader, YouTube Player desde Google Play Store. Abre la aplicación y busca el video de YouTube que quieres convertir usando la lupa. Toca el video que quieres descargar y elige la opción "Descargar como MP3". Espera a que se complete la descarga y luego accede al archivo MP3 desde la pestaña "Descargas". Características: Es gratis y no tiene anuncios. Permite buscar y reproducir videos y audios de YouTube dentro de la aplicación. Ofrece varias opciones de calidad para descargar los archivos MP3. Tiene una interfaz simple e intuitiva. 3. YouMP34 YouMP34 es otra aplicación gratuita que te permite convertir videos de YouTube a MP3 en Android con facilidad. Con esta aplicación, puedes buscar videos de YouTube por título, artista o álbum, y descargarlos en formato MP3 o MP4 en tu dispositivo Android. Para usar esta aplicación, solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Descarga e instala YouMP34 desde su sitio web oficial. Abre la aplicación y busca el video de YouTube que quieres convertir usando el cuadro de búsqueda. Toca el video que quieres descargar y elige el formato MP3 o MP4 y la calidad que deseas. Espera a que se complete la descarga y luego accede al archivo MP3 o MP4 desde la carpeta "YouMP34". Características: Es gratis y no requiere registro. Permite buscar y descargar videos de YouTube por título, artista o álbum. Ofrece dos formatos de salida: MP3 y MP4. Tiene una interfaz sencilla y limpia. 51271b25bf
Marcus Morris
May 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
🔧How To Fix High Ping In Roblox ✅ | FIX Roblox... LINK ->>> This variant of the stuck in midair glitch involves the Phoenix element and a way to high get up (the best way is jumping on a wedge). Get someone to go up and, when they are at the highest point in midair, use Soul Plunge. The glitch sometimes does not work. There are two alternatives that can happen. The Great Fire Blast can erupt from the ground and can go faster if you put your mouse at a 45-degree angle to the ground (Note that the trail is not visible) and it erupts vertically, rather than horizontally. If you can hit it with a projectile, it will act like a normal block and will explode, using this an excellent shield for annoying Darkness ult spammers. Also, note when the Darkness Ult seems to pass through blocks, this is just a visual glitch and once the beam passes through a block, it can hit you, but won't do anything, no damage and stun. [An easy place to do this is in the standard MEGA's sandy place, or the grass and the grass MEGA's drop zone.] OR it can stay in the ground with the trail still there, half-visible while the other half is on the ground, and jumping on it can sometimes result in you jumping really high. [An easy place to do this trick is in the outside of the standard map, on a flat place away from the sandy place in the middle.] It is not considered a glitch because in high blocks playing can make a super jump to climb, well,works with the borders of the map, keep jumping on them until you reach the wall and you can reach the other side what gives access to santa's sleigh and the void. 781b155fdc
Marcus Morris
May 08, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Buying A Supermarket DOWNLOAD ->>->>->> This is the second part of a two-part series on how to get the most of your supermarket-shopping experience. Part One discussed how supermarkets try to get you to spend more time and money than you originally wanted. This part will lead you step by step through a supermarket trip, and give you tips on how to buy (or not buy) food the right way. Introducing a little variety into their meals is often one of the biggest challenges a family faces. And the tens of thousands of products on offer at your average supermarket ironically make it even harder, not easier. There is a battle in the supermarket isle, a battle between what the consumer wants and what the retailer and others want her to see, and subsequently to buy. Product packages and displays contain a number of features and attributes tailored to catch consumers' attention. These are what we call external factors comprising the visual saliency, the number of facings, and the placement of each product. But a consumer also brings with her a number of goals and interests related to the products and their attributes. These are important internal factors, including brand preferences, price sensitivity, and dietary inclinations. We fit mobile eye trackers to consumers visiting real-life supermarkets in order to investigate to what extent external and internal factors affect consumers' visual attention and purchases. Both external and internal factors influenced what products consumers looked at, with a strong positive interaction between visual saliency and consumer preferences. Consumers appear to take advantage of visual saliency in their decision making, using their knowledge about products' appearance to guide their visual attention towards those that fit their preferences. When it comes to actual purchases, however, visual attention was by far the most important predictor, even after controlling for all other internal and external factors. In other words, the very act of looking longer or repeatedly at a package, for any reason, makes it more likely that this product will be bought. Visual attention is thus crucial for understanding consumer behaviour, even in the cluttered supermarket environment, but it cannot be captured by measurements of visual saliency alone. State of play: Nearly a quarter of those surveyed by Morning Consult in September said they're often buying fewer items at the grocery store, in order to save money, up from 15% in October 2021. If you're like most Americans, you most likely buy your meat at the supermarket. Be it raw chicken and steaks from the butcher case or cold cuts from the deli counter, we tend to not give much thought to the meat we buy beyond whether it's fresh and how much it costs. But you might want to think twice before buying your next Styrofoam-and-cellophane-wrapped chicken breast, because what we're about to tell you may have you buying all your meat at the organic butcher shop from now on. We hate to break it to you, but expiration dates really don't mean much. Sure, Cheez-Its will go stale and milk will go bad a certain number of weeks after packaging, but supermarket meat departments, where they do their own labeling, are generally left up to their own devices (30 states don't regulate date labeling at all). This means that if an item is set to expire and it still looks okay, supermarkets are allowed to put a new label on, pushing the expiration date back by days or even more than a week. We suggest checking to see when the food first hit the shelf, if possible, or buying meat from a trusted butcher. According to a 2011 study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, researchers have found that almost half of all raw meat in American supermarkets contains staph infection bacteria, including MRSA, which is potentially lethal. Turkey, pork, and chicken products (in that order) were most likely to harbor staph. When fresh meat has been sitting in a refrigerator for a couple days, it oxidizes and starts to turn a shade of grayish-brown, which doesn't look particularly appetizing, especially when shoppers are looking for shelves of bright red meat. In order to avoid having to throw away the meat, as much as 70 percent of all the raw meat sold in supermarkets is treated with a suspiring chemical: carbon monoxide. The gas interacts with the myoglobin in the meat, locking in the bright red color. Called \"modified atmosphere packaging\" by the factory farm industry, carbon monoxide has been shown to keep meat looking artificially fresh for up to a full year. The North American Meat Institute sheds more light on this practice here. Most of the beef we eat comes from cows (either steers or cows that are raised for meat rather than milk) that are between two and three years old. Young beef tends to be more tender and marbled, and is used almost exclusively for steaks. Because it doesn't matter whether ground beef is tender or marbled, most supermarket ground beef is made from retired dairy or breeding cows, which are generally slaughtered at between six and 8 years of age, along with trimmings left over after younger cows are butchered. There are eight grades of meat: prime, choice, select, standard, commercial, utility, cutter, and canner. The more marbling in the meat, the better the grade. Choice and select are the grades most commonly found in supermarkets, but in order to be graded, the meat needs to be inspected by the USDA. Look for the USDA shield, and you'll know that it's been inspected. Effective this month, retailers and producers are no longer required to identify where an animal was raised, slaughtered, or processed. Canada and Mexico, two important trade partners, argued that laws mandating country of origin labeling were discouraging Americans from buying meat that comes from outside the U.S., and Congress caved to them, much to the chagrin of those who support transparency in the food industry. Advocates claim this this act has no bearing on food seafry, however; you can find more details here. That frozen thanksgiving turkey in the supermarket could easily have been slaughtered several months ahead of time and blast-frozen to keep it fresh. If you're looking for a fresh Thanksgiving turkey, we suggest you track down a local farmer or butcher that sells pasture-raised turkeys, or purchase yours from Heritage Foods USA, which sources its meat from small family farmers. In scenes reminiscent of the early days of the pandemic, long lines formed at supermarkets across the city, while others went online to stockpile essential items, per the South China Morning Post (SCMP). The deal, which is expected to close in 2024, would combine two of the largest supermarket chains in the country and create one of its largest private employers. The two companies have a combined 710,000 workers -- most of them unionized in an industry with low union rates -- nearly 5,000 stores and more than $200 billion in sales. The deal is likely to draw intense scrutiny from federal regulators and critics as it would form a new supermarket colossus at a time of soaring food costs. Grocery prices jumped 13% in September compared to a year ago. Kroger is the largest supermarket operator in the U.S., with 420,000 employees and more than 2,700 stores, including Ralphs, Harris Teeter, Fred Meyer, and King Soopers. Albertsons is the country's second-largest supermarket company, with 290,000 employees and almost 2,300 stores, including Safeway and Vons. From the supermarket you can buy baking recipes and gardening seeds at a reduced price, for example it will cost you S44 to buy potatoes from the garden patch but will cost you S40 to buy from the supermarket. Thanks! I personally would build the mall but it does unlock a new quest so if you already have quests stacked up then maybe you should build the supermarket and save the mall for when you are less busy Retailers and producers are no longer required to identify where an animal was raised, slaughtered, or processed. Canada and Mexico, two important trade partners, argued that laws mandating country of origin labeling were discouraging Americans from buying meat that comes from outside the U.S., and Congress caved to them, much to the chagrin of those who support transparency in the food industry. Advocates claim this this act has no bearing on food safety. This thirty year old supermarket & convenience store is located on a very busy road on Long Island. The business has its own free-standing building, with its own parking place. Its size is 1700 sq.ft... More details A 30 years old, very popular supermarket is located in a densely-populated area in Queens. Rent is just $3,000, with a 15 years lease. The business has lotto, beer, cigarettes, meat, breakfast,& lunch... More details This 25 years old supermarket( 9000 sq. ft)., is located in a crowded neighborhood in Bronx. Its gross sale is $75,000 a week; a 10 years lease. The supermarket caters the local population as it is... More details This supermarket faces a popular thoroughfare with many businesses in the area.A large parking lot is available to customers and can be easily accessed.Businesses displays eye-catching signage... More details A 35-year-old supermarket is located at the heart of a heavily-populated neighborhood in the Bronx. Its size is 2500 sq. ft. Its gross sale is $2800 a day; lotto makes $7500 a month in commission. The... More details Rare opportunity to own a well established supermarket/meat business. This business has been established for over 17 years. The business has been newly renovated with a build out cost of $250,000 and... More details Established supermarket continues to grow averaging $75,000 per week without competition. With over 6000 square feet of space fully stocked and renovated. Low rent and a 15 year lease makes this... More details 781b155fdc
Marcus Morris
May 08, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Where Can I Buy Bass Pro Gift Cards In Canada Download For customer service or balance inquiries, visit, see any cashier, or call 1-800-494-1100. This Gift Card is redeemable for merchandise, food and beverages only at Bass Pro Shops stores, restaurants, or catalogs; online at or; or at Bass Pro resorts (Big Cypress, Big Cedar, Top of the Rock or Buffalo Ridge). Except as required by law, this card is not redeemable or exchangeable for cash, check, or credit. This Card is not a credit or debit card and is not reloadable. This Card does not expire and is valid until redeemed. The Card issuer is BPIP, LLC. All rights reserved. Purchase or use of this card constitutes acceptance of the Bass Pro Shops Gift Card Terms & Conditions, found at If lost, stolen or damaged, the Gift Card can be replaced for any remaining value if satisfactory proof of purchase is provided. Additionally, our gift cards can also be purchased through many national retail store chains. While we cannot guarantee the local retailer near you will have our gift cards in stock, here are some of the most common locations where they are sold: Bass Pro Shop Gift cards can be redeemed online at , and can be used to get your favorite items from their store right away!\"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"How do I redeem my Bass Pro Shop Gift Card online\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\" Visit the website. Select all the items you want to purchase from their website. Once done, go to checkout page. Select Use a Gift Card or Promo code. Type your secret code and click Apply. The Gift Card Balance will be applied to your order total! \"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"How will my Bass Pro Shop Gift Card be delivered\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\"Your Bass Pro Shop Gift Card will be digitally delivered, via web link, after the completion of your order. In the case of some orders, to fight against payment fraud, we may need to send a request to verify your payment details with the upload of an identification card. If you get this request, this is a one-time request, and will make placing future orders much faster. Our typical processing time for a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card is 1-3 minutes.\"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"How can I gift a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card to my friend\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\"Sending a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card to a friend, instantly or scheduling for a specific delivery in the future, is fast and easy. Below the Add to Cart button at the top of the page you will see a \\\"Click Here to Send as a Gift\\\" option. When you click on that you will be prompted to enter the gift recipient's name and email for delivery, along with an optional gift message. Here you can also choose to send your gift instantly or schedule it as a specific time to be delivered.\"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"What payment methods can I use to buy a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\"At MyGiftCardSupply, you can safely buy Bass Pro Shop Gift Cards online from anywhere in the world! There are several payment methods you can use: Credit card Debit card PayPal Crypto (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, and Litecoin) \"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"What if I have an issue redeeming my Bass Pro Shop Gift Card\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\"Everything you need to redeem a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card will be provided upon delivery, and can also be found on this page. If you follow these redeem instructions you should have no problems redeeming your gift card. If in the case there is an issue and you are receiving an error when you try to redeem, please open an online support ticket and include your order number along with a screenshot so we can see the exact error message.\"}},{\"@type\":\"Question\",\"name\":\"What if I need Bass Pro Shop Gift Card support\",\"acceptedAnswer\":{\"@type\":\"Answer\",\"text\":\"We are here to help ensure this is an easy process for you! We have a dedicated support team which is available 16 hours per day to help you with any issues you might be having with placing an order or with a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card order you've already placed. You can open a support ticket using our support form and we will respond to your request right away. If you are an existing customer, please provide your order number or email address associated with your order to help us assist you faster.\"}}]} Related productsSale! Xbox Game Pass Gift Card A Visa Prepaid Card gives you the flexibility to shop anywhere Visa debit cards are accepted around the world. You will receive an email with instructions for selecting either a virtual or physical card. Choose a virtual card that's available immediately, or a physical card sent via mail (shipping and handling fee of $3.00 to be deducted from card balance). You must select your card within 4 months from the date these instructions are sent via email. So make sure to keep an eye on your inbox. Once the card is redeemed, you will have 7 months to use the funds. Please note that currency conversion fees will be applied if the merchant settles in a currency other than USD. Your reward will be delivered via email with instructions for claiming your Visa prepaid card. You must claim your card within 4 months from the date these instructions are sent via email. Your right to the payment expires after that time. Use your Visa prepaid card anywhere Visa debit cards are accepted around the world. Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. Your use of the prepaid card is governed by the Cardholder Agreement, and some fees may apply. This is not a gift card. Please note that prepaid cards are subject to expiration, so pay close attention to the expiration date of the card. Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted around the world. Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, Member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Your use of the prepaid card is governed by the Cardholder Agreement, and some fees may apply. This is not a gift card. Please note that prepaid cards are subject to expiration, so pay close attention to the expiration date of the card. Albertsons Companies stores are leaders in the grocery industry and present a gift card offering value and convenience! Our gift card is accepted at over 2,000 store locations in the US. For your convenience, Albertsons Companies gift cards can also be redeemed in our family of stores including Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Pavilions, Randalls, Tom Thumb, Carrs, Shaw's, Star Market, and Jewel! Our love for sport drives who we are and what we do. Every day. adidas has a clear mission: be the globally leading and most popular sporting goods brand. We are not just designing products for all kinds of sports. We are designing products for athletes. Athletes always strive for their personal best. Athletes find inspiration in sports no matter what they do. We help them to achieve their peak performance by making them faster, stronger, smarter and cooler. adidas gift cards can be redeemed in over 150 adidas Sport Performance, adidas Originals, or adidas Outlet stores in the US, as well as online at Even better, AMC Gift Cards do not have any associated fees or expiration dates, so your gift spans the test of time. In the words of \"Cousin Eddy\" from \"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation:\" \"That's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.\" AMC, the first in the exhibition industry to offer personalized gift cards, was also the first in the industry to launch circuit-wide gift cards in 2002. We think that's pretty cool, too. Headquartered in Leawood, KS, AMC Entertainment Inc. is a leading theatrical exhibition and entertainment company. With a history of industry leadership and innovation dating back to 1920, the company today serves hundreds of millions of guests annually at 1,000 theatres with over 11,000 screens worldwide. For Air Canada ticket purchases, you can use up to two (2) Gift Cards on a single booking provided that the total cost of the ticket purchase is covered fully by the two (2) gift cards. When purchasing a seat or travel option for an existing reservation, only one (1) form of payment will be accepted. For the purchase of Air Canada Vacations flight-inclusive packages, you can use up to two (2) gift cards provided that the total cost of the package purchase is covered fully by the two (2) gift cards. The value of multiple gift cards cannot be consolidated onto a single card. Air Canada eGiftCards cannot be redeemed at airport counters. Card balance does not expire. No fees apply to purchase or activate this Card. Redeemable by Australian residents towards the purchase of eligible goods and services on the Airbnb website and app. Use requires an Airbnb account. Card is non-reloadable and cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, returned or resold, except where required by law. Issuer is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen cards, or for unauthorised use. View Card balance by signing in to your Airbnb account. Issued by Airbnb Ireland UC. Terms apply, see Card balance does not expire. No fees apply to purchase or to activate this Card. Redeemable by Canadian residents toward the purchase of eligible goods and services on the Airbnb website and app. Use requires an Airbnb account. Card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, returned, or resold. Issuer is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cards, or for unauthorized use. Obtain Card information and balance by signing in to your Airbnb account or by calling 1-866-393-3393. Issued by Airbnb Ireland UC. Terms apply, see 781b155fdc
Marcus Morris
May 08, 2023
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Vampire The Masquerade Download --->>> Vampires are one of the three main supernatural races in the World of Darkness and the fundamental characters of Vampire: The Masquerade and its spinoff games like Vampire: The Dark Ages and Kindred of the East. The article above offers a closer look at vampires, with their physiology, their politics and their clan division. In Vampire: The Masquerade, "Kindred" is the most common euphemism for a vampire. However, the term is mostly used by vampires who strive to maintain their Humanity. On the other hand, Sabbat vampires prefer the term 'Cainite' to refer to themselves - as many of them believe that the vampiric curse originated with the biblical Cain, after he murdered his brother, Abel. The term "kine" (i.e. "cattle") is the opposite of Kindred, and refers to human population. Some clans and most of the minor bloodlines declare themselves independent from any sects. In addition, the Laibon, known as the Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom by Western Vampires, are not so much a sect as a cultural group bound together loosely by a powerful spiritual bond to the land and the people of Africa. While the Kuei-jin, also known as the Kindred of the East, share some superficial similarity to the western vampires, but they are actually an entirely different variety of supernatural beings, more related to Wraith 's Risen. Created by Mark Rein·Hagen, Vampire: The Masquerade was the first of White Wolf Game Studio's World of Darkness live-action and role-playing games, based on the Storyteller System and centered around vampires in a modern Gothic-Punk world. Vampire: The Masquerade exploded into hobby games in 1991 and inspired a generation of fans the likes of which the game industry had never seen before or since. The cultural significance Vampire left on not just the gaming world but on modern vampire-related pop culture can be seen and felt at virtually every turn and in every medium today. The global best-seller Vampire: The Masquerade comes to comics. When Camarilla enforcer Cecily Bain takes a fledgling vampire under her wing, she's dragged into an vast conspiracy that will topple princes and threaten the very Masquerade. When Cecily Bain, an enforcer for the Twin Cities' vampiric elite, takes a mysterious new vampire under her wing, she's dragged into an insidious conspiracy. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the cities, a rebellious found-family of vampire cast-outs investigates a vicious killing. As the unlives of the Kindred twine together and betrayals are unearthed, will Cecily be able to escape and save what's left of her family, or will she be yet another pawn sacrificed to maintain the age-old secret: that vampires exist among the living? Set in the World of Darkness universe, Bloodhunt draws from this grim version of our modern world where vampires hide in plain sight and fight against hunters, other vampires and their own worst instincts, all while struggling to maintain The Masquerade. Players must also fight against losing their characters losing Humanity for doing the terrible things vampires need to do to survive. Striking a balance between these two sides of the vampire coin is key to many stories in the game. Complicating matters is the condition of Frenzy, where vampires lose control from hunger or fear and tear apart their carefully assembled lives sometimes literally Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition updates the setting to the modern nights. It reshuffles clan alliances, changes some clans to better fit their original concepts and strives to make the game a better entry point for new players. Many elder vampires have disappeared to answer a mysterious Beckoning, leaving control of many cities up in the air for the first time in decades. The Anarch cause struggles against those who claim to rule. The Elders are disappearing so why should vampires hold to tradition? These vampires are ready to explore new ideas on everything like leadership and morality. This book details the alliance vampires call Second Inquisition between government agencies and Vatican secret socities ready to burn any vampires that step out from behind The Masquerade. This book is built as a book of enemies but it includes several excellent tools and techniques vampires can use in their struggles. Most people expect vampire hunters to use stakes and crosses, but what about gentification? Sabbat illuminates the most radically changed sect in the most recent edition of the game. Once a dark mirror to the Camarilla, these vampires have given up politics with a renewed religious fervor to terrorize human and mortal alike until Caine returns. As such, they are framed as antagonists in the book, though an enterprising Storyteller might yet tell the tale of a Sabbat pack tonight. There are more sourcebooks and accessories available such as specialty dice that speed up game play and PDF sourcebooks that include deeper setting info and additional stories but this is a good start. Vampire also thrives in the realm of actual play. New York By Night currently tells the tale of two different groups of vampires, one Camarilla and one Anarch in the City That Never Sleeps. As a newly-fledged vampire, you discover that your fate is tied to that of Sophie Langley, an experienced member of the artistically-inclined Clan Toreador, as she takes you under her wing. From there, you will navigate a secret society of supernatural beings, learn to slake your ever-present hunger for blood through hunting, and struggle with the reality of becoming an undead monster in the sea of mortals that makes up one of the largest, busiest cities in the world. The basic story is that you're a freshly squeezed vampire dropped into the treacherous political schemes of some powerful players in New York's toothy underground. Whichever of the three pre-set protagonists you choose (the artsy Toreador, the snobby Ventrue, or the rebellious Brujah one I couldn't bring myself to play because he looked like such a douche), you'll be adopted by a local figure and, after an introductory chapter, instructed to put together your own 'coterie', the obligatory in-universe term for 'gang', or maybe 'network'. It took me a while to realise it's essentially a dating sim VN, but with interesting stories and scheming instead of tsundere and transparent erections. Each night, you choose which character to pursue further. Finish their story and they'll become part of your network. They're not your friends, but they're as close as you can get in this world of backstabbing, murder, and obscure power games between ancient forces. Exchanging favours and co-ordinating against common enemies is how this vampire society operates, and that's something Vampire The Overtitled communicates particularly well. There's the one who eschews politics, and frets over religion and damnation instead, exploring the notion that vampires in this world are intrinsically tied to the Abrahamic faiths. Another likes to LARP as a gumshoe, narrating a noirish inner monologue under his breath (that one's a lot more entertaining than it sounds). Her main conflict is a fascinating dynamic where a local bougie entrepeneur insists she should stop 'wasting' her talents, and basically join the establishment. But as Hope points out, the establishment doesn't give a shit about her: it's made up of hypocritical old vampires with no understanding of what's really happening in the human world, and no idea that the internet is far more radical and transformative than a mere business opportunity. When that same person calls her tech business "punk" and tries to sell the line "I'm all about disruption", I actually shuddered, and swore aloud at my desk. Look, I may moan a lot, but it's deceptively rare that I go full Lemongrab. This is bad. It's shockingly bad design, and inflates forgivable errors into total fun-killers. I'd like to explore a few alternative options, particularly late in the game, but after playing through two and a half times already, I'm not prepared to sit here pressing enter thousands of times, and hoping I don't accidentally press it once too often and have to start again. I even tried for a minute or two anyway, making this the first vampire game to truly confront me with my mortality. Some players will be annoyed that you have little effect on the story, and while that's valid, I think it kinda works on a meta level. I was annoyed by a late section where the game kept wagging its finger and punishing me for not feeding, but I hadn't been given an opportunity to feed for several days. In theory you can feed at certain points, you see, lowering your hunger and thus the risk of going feral, while at others you can use vampire powers to fight or manipulate people at the cost of more hunger. But screwing up happens in the script, whatever you do. On reflection I think it's messing with you. You are a pawn: that's the point. You're not an unusual special fledgling who survives remarkable things through contrivance. There's no war brewing or apocalypse looming. It's just business as usual. Even with all that in mind, though, it's not without its friction, especially with that atrocious save system. Setting its vampire story in Boston, Swansong sees you play as three different vampires, all high-ranking members of the Camarilla (a sort of cross between a governing body and the Mafia). Emem is a politically ambitious vampire who struggles with authority, while Galeb is a suave and loyal Camarilla henchman. Finally, there's Leysha, who has recently awoken from three years in hibernation due to the debilitating mental illness that commonly afflicts her Malkavian clan. The decision to focus on a trio of characters makes for a confusing opening. Swansong gives a rapid-fire overview of the three perspectives, while simultaneously introducing the rest of the Camarilla court and sketching out the off-screen events that kickstart the plot. Gradually, it becomes clear that a party organised by the Camarilla to seal an alliance with a local group of thaumaturges (vampire warlocks) has been attacked by unknown assailants, and the head of the Boston Camarilla, Hazel Iversen, dispatches the trio on separate missions to investigate the debacle. 781b155fdc
Marcus Morris
May 07, 2023
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Where To Buy Cookies And Cream Popcorn Click Here ===> Your Favorite After School SnackA revolutionary fusion of two classic treats, Cookies and Cream popcorn is a flavor that demands attention. Our deluxe artisan popcorn, coated with delicious crushed chocolate sandwich cookies and rich white chocolate, garnished with our celebrated white vanilla cream drizzle. My daughter is the cookies and cream person. I thought I would sacrifice myself by trying it before I purchase it for her. I was blown away with pleasure by this flavor. Absolutely fantastic. My new go-to choice when I am in the mood for a gentle evening. For another cookies and cream inspired recipe, be sure to try making some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream as well. Try making your own microwave popcorn using kernels and a bag with a Brown Bag Popcorn recipe. This turned out wonderful. and it was easy. I used blocks of white chocolate for melting instead of white almond bark. It stored best in fridge or the chocolate doesn't stay as hard. I put the popcorn in quart size zip up bags to sell at a bake sale and put a label on them. I got about 5 quart sized bags per batch or about 3 cups per bag. (I used about 9-10 cups of popcorn). There is plenty of chocolate and cookies that you could use more popcorn per batch and it would still be coated enough. I will make this again. Delicious! A big hit with everyone! Way too much almond bark. There's so much that it turns the batch into one giant popcorn ball, and it dilutes the cookies to a gray color. It's very tasty, so on the next batch, I would make these modifications: try one half to one third the amount of almond bark, and after mixing, spread it out into a single layer of wax paper. I would probably keep the crushed cookie amount the same. If there is excess cookie dust at the bottom of the bowl, I'll reduce it the next time. No idea what a bag of kettle corn is,( size). Must be un-popped kernels as you give micro instructions . I have bought 1 lb, 2 lb and even 3 lb bags of popcorn kernels. It might be helpful to give volume ( cups of popped popcorn) for 1 recipe. That seems to be the norm with recipes I find elsewhere. Taste: Can't beat that sweet, crave-worthy combination of cookies and cream.Texture: The popcorn and cookies are crunchy which the chocolate is rich and smooth.Ease: Super duper easy.Appearance: How could you not want to grab a handfulPros: Perfect sweet snack.Cons: None.Would I make this again Mhmm. ingredients1/4 cup popcorn kernels or 1 bag popcorn, popped12 oreo cookies, coarsely crushed6 ounces white chocolate, melteddirectionsMix the popcorn, crumbled cookies and melted chocolate until well combined, spread the mixture out on a baking sheet and let sit until the chocolate has set. (Tip: Chill in the fridge if you want the chocolate to set faster.)Break any large clumps up and enjoy! Similar Recipes:Peppermint Candy Cane Popcorn Only 3 easy ingredients are needed for our favorite cookies and cream popcorn recipe (a.k.a. Oreo popcorn). Popcorn covered in Almond Bark and crushed Oreo cookies! It is quick and easy to throw together too. Not to mention delicious! I've tried many different brands of cookies and cream popcorn and this was my least favorite by far. Don't get me wrong, this company has fantastic service and popcorn in other flavors, but this was definitley not the best. It's a very sweet caramel popcorn and, this was probably just my luck for the bag I received, but it didn't actually have any cookies. Everyone loves cookies & cream. Chocolate cream filled cookies enveloped in rich creamy vanilla. What's not to love We took all that decadent goodness and made it into a popcorn. Our Cookies & Cream popcorn will leave you speechless. Crunchy white chocolate and vanilla glazed popcorn loaded with real chocolate cookie pieces, grab a couple of bags today. Mmm, cookies and cream. One of my favorite flavor combinations. So when I was creating the popcorn bar for the Firefly Theater outdoor movie night for Festivities magazine, I knew I wanted to play with those flavors and make a popcorn version. Cookies and cream popcorn--the best of both worlds! While the popcorn is popping, put Oreo cookies in a large plastic bag and start taking out your agression on it. Or give it to your kid, if you trust your three year old with a kitchen weapon with that kind of p-atk. Be sure to leave some good sized chunks of cookie, and not pulverize everything into delicious dust. Pour the melted white chocolate over the popcorn and stir to coat. Add the crumbles of Oreo cookies, and stir to combine. Let cool until chocolate hardens again (this can be sped up by putting the popcorn in the fridge). Cookies and Cream Popcorn We've mixed the classic cream-filled chocolate cookies with our delicious popcorn for an irresistable snack. Hand Made by Main Street Fudge and Popcorn in the Heart of Ohio's Amish Country in Berlin. Bag Size: 10oz Cookies & cream has been my favorite flavor for anything (ice cream, cake, chocolate, you name it!) since I was a little kid. I even named my black and white cat Cookies & Cream (CC for short)! So when thinking of sweet and salty snack ideas for munching on during gametime, I knew this popcorn was one I needed to recreate and serve at our Super Bowl LII watch party. I added the whole bag of the popcorn to a large bowl and tossed it with crushed chocolate sandwich cookies and melted semi-sweet chocolate. I then finished off the popcorn with a drizzle of white chocolate and then let it cool so the chocolate could harden again. This crunchy yet creamy and rich popcorn comes in an 18-ounce bag so you can dive right into the deliciousness anytime, anywhere. And with only 140 calories per serving, each sweet, salty, and crunchy handful will satisfy your sweet tooth in the best way possible. Enjoy popcorn and cookie goodness today! Make your brand noticeable every time a client reaches for a treat when you give them this gift bag! It's a clear pouch measuring 4\"L x 2\"W x 10.5\"H that's filled with 8 oz. of cookies and cream popcorn. This is perfect as a holiday promotion or special gift to clients who make a special purchase. Add your company name or logo via four color process and show that you can provide the best products! 781b155fdc
Marcus Morris
May 07, 2023
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Buy My Little Pony Cookies Buy My Little Pony Cookies ->>->>->> Do our part, hoof to heart! Take the Girl Scout Make Your Mark Challenge with My Little Pony (PDF) to make positive impact in your community. Complete activities and crafting projects to spread friendship and happiness to everypony. Let's be friends! With the ponies by your side, take the Girl Scout Better Together Challenge with My Little Pony (PDF) and take part in fun, interactive activities to help you introduce yourself to new friends, be a great friend to the friends you have, and combine all that friendship to make your community a little more magical. Our cookie cutters are made from food-grade materials, which means they are safe to use with your favorite cookie dough recipes. They are also durable and long-lasting, ensuring that you can create perfect My Little Pony-shaped cookies time and time again. Scarlett spent most of the time licking frosting off of her fingers and piling sprinkles onto her sugar cookies, her daddy spread as much frosting onto every cookie as possible for his perfect mostly-frosting cookie, and I of course, patiently created intricate tie dye patterns, like a true nerdy mama. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. In season nine's The Ending of the End - Part 2, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles appear taking shelter with Sweetie Belle and other unicorns in the School for Gifted Unicorns as Canterlot closes itself off from the other pony races. In the Canterlot Nights expansion set of Enterplay's collectible card game, Hondo Flanks is named with a trademark symbol on card #45 C, which gives him the description \"Not even the slightest hint of Hondo's sports enthusiasm rubbed off on Rarity, and she wouldn't have it any other way.\" Enterplay's May 13, 2014 Canterlot Nights card list lists card #45 C as \"Magnum, Big Daddy\" instead of \"Hondo Flanks, Big Daddy\". Cookie Crumbles is named with a trademark symbol on card #68 C, which gives her the description \"Cookie's wish to pass down her secret Rose Velvet Cake recipe to her fillies has produced mixed results. Rarity nailed it, but Sweetie Belle's just tastes like nails.\" In the Marks in Time expansion set, card #96 U, Bedazzling Costume, attributes to Cookie Crumbles the quote \"It's just like I told my little Rarity, there's no such thing as too many sequins or gems!\" Do you know a little girl who loves Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike and Rainbow Dash and wishes she could have a little pony of her very own Bake her some cookies that are sure to delight her with the help of the My Little Pony Cookie Cutter Set! This set includes 3 different ponies, each made out of sturdy plastic in their respective color. We also have another 3-piece set with the remaining 3 main ponies. These are sold as Set #2 and are also described below. These cutters require hand-washing and towel-drying. Prance on down to the order button and buy one today! Pull out small bits of cotton candy and carefully shape to be the tail and mane of the pony. If you touch the candy too much, it will shrivel. I bunched up one side to go inside the cookie and let the other stay fluffy. Lay it on the cookie, but try to avoid touching the frosting, as the moisture will ruin the fluffiness. Personalize our shortbread sugar cookies when you add your own logo, image, or artwork file! The perfect personalization for your next event! Check out these Photo & Logo Cookies, available for pick up, local Los Angeles delivery, or nationwide shipping! The best thing about My Little Pony is that everypony is unique. What better way to have fun with fandom than creating your very own pony This tutorial from Doodle Craft shows you how to make a silicone mold, then just press in clay or even edible fondant and you have a base to craft a unique, customized pony! Having a pony party sleepover Pop in a My Little Pony DVD and watch your favorite toys come to life! Shout! Factory, the company that brings classic favorites to DVD and Blu-ray has a whole line of My Little Pony DVDs. They just released My Little Pony: Equestria Girls! The best part is, it comes with an exclusive Twilight Sparkle Crown! I separated all the pony pops into two bowls, divided the girls into two groups and told them the object of the game was to build all of the ponies correctly, the fastest. The girls giggled and worked excitedly as a team putting their ponies together. My daughters are obsessed with My Little Pony. Rainbow Dash is my 8 year old daughters favorite! My oldest daughter who is 9 is obsessed with the dark pony. Cracks me up. You did a phenomenal job. How do you do such a beautiful job and keep up with life with two kids Absolutely love everything about the my little pony party! My daughters favorite thing after looking through all the pictures were the cupcakes and the t-shirts everyone was wearing. Love it! Love it! Love it! After the launch of their latest Minidrones & Bebop range Parrot are looking to you, our awesome design community, to create exciting and innovative add-ons to compliment their range.Designers will have the opportunity to collaborate with Parrot in designing a new range of accessories to be sold in their official store.(Royalties will be negotiated on a case by case basis)Parrot are also giving away $2,000 worth of drones to the winners!In order to enter, simply upload your STL files using the button at the bottom of this page. Remember to upload photos of your prints to fast-track your design approval.Be sure to check out the designer resources at the bottom of the page.\",\"pages.parrot.submitButton\":\"Submit Your Design\",\"pages.parrot.prizesTitle\":\"Prizes\",\"pages.parrot.prizesText\":\"The three designs with the most likes at the end of the voting period will win the following:1st - Bebop 2 + Sky Controller2nd\\t-\\tBebop 23rd\\t-\\tMinidrones (selected by designer)Parrot will also choose their favourite three designs and work with the designers in order to have their creations sold in the official Parrot Store(designers will be compensated accordingly - determined on a case by case basis)\",\"pages.parrot.datesTitle\":\"Key Dates\",\"pages.parrot.datesText\":\"Submissions open - 26th January 2016Submissions close - 16th February 2016Voting opens - 24th February 2016Voting closes - 11th March 2016\",\"pages.parrot.submissionTitle\":\"Requirements for submission\",\"pages.parrot.sumissionText\":\"This is a global competition and you can enter regardless of your location and age.Submit your design files using the \\\"Submit Your Design\\\" button at the bottom of the page.You can submit as many entries as you like.If your design is in multiple parts, please make sure you submit all parts (as STLs zipped into a single file) with instructions or diagrams of how they fit together.\",\"pages.parrot.afterTitle\":\"What happens after submission\",\"pages.parrot.afterText\":\"Prize winners will be based on total likes throughout the voting period. Multiple likes from the same user or IP address will not countThree winners will also be chosen by Parrot, these may or may not be the same as the ones determined by likesAll entries that meet the requirements will be test printed and hosted on MyMiniFactory.comAll STL files will be made available to the public to download for free. Ownership of the files will remain with the original uploader, unless otherwise negotiated with Parrot.\",\"pages.parrot.designerTitle\":\"Designer resources & inspiration\",\"pages.parrot.designerText\":\"This is your chance to pioneer new ways of interacting with drones, so time to get the creative juices flowing! Why not create a helipad to land on, a ramp to jump off or a gate to fly through Here our some guidelines for what Parrot are looking for: \\n A fully conceived project with a story to tell. e.g. the jumping sumo jousting game.\\n Creative designs that best compliment each drone.\\n Designs that do not compromise functionality.\\n Think about: \\n Carry weight\\n Balance and positioning\\n Structural integrity\\n Secure and easy ways to attach to the drone\\n Bellow you can find useful drone design templates, specs and designer tools to help you realize your ideas.\",\"pages.parrot.goodLuck\":\"Good Luck!!!\",\"pages.parrot.droneTemplate\":\"Drone Template Files\",\"pages.parrot.brackets\":\"Universal Connectors\",\"pages.parrot.legoTemplate\":\"Riders, Games & Inspiration\",\"pages.parrot.specs\":\"Drone Tech Specs\",\"pages.parrot.fullTerms\":\"Full Terms & Conditions*Your design must be a previously unpublished original work. If persons other than you participated in the design, you must have written permission from each contributor prior to submission of the design.Your design may not contain any material that is or may be: (i) threatening, harassing, degrading, or hateful; (ii) fraudulent or tortious; (iii) defamatory; (iv) obscene, indecent, or otherwise objectionable; (v) protected by intellectual property law, including but not limited to patent, trademark, or copyright law, unless you have the prior written consent of the intellectual property rights holder; (vi) dangerous or potentially dangerous, or which would encourage dangerous behaviors, including but not limited to explosives or harmful substances; or (vii) in violation of your applicable law, including your applicable criminal law.All likes of a design made by the same individual using multiple or false contact information or otherwise will make disqualified the corresponding design. Likes of a design generated by a script, computer program, macro, programmed, robotic, or other automated means are void ab initio and will make automatically disqualified the corresponding design,(viii)*Subject to Parrot's choices and successful negotiations with designers. Parrot retains the right to decide whether or not to sell
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